How does our understanding of “the human” have to change to account for our unevenly distributed geological agency?

Storying the Plantation(ocene)

Storying the Plantation(ocene) Otherwise is a panel co-organized by Jill Didur and Priscilla Jolly for ASLE 2023: Reclaiming the Commons (July 9-12, 2023).

Learn more about the panel via the ASLE 2023 program

Storying the Plantation(ocene) Otherwise:

Maria Job (UCSB): “Environmental and Decolonial articulations in Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies”

Priscilla Jolly (Concordia): “Rethinking Extractionism and the Human: Speculative Economies of Biocapital”

Jill Didur (Concordia) “Writing the Plantation(ocene): Empire and ‘Storying Otherwise’ in Ghosh’s The Nutmeg’s Curse”

Chih-Chien Hsieh (National Chung Cheng U): “Gardening in the Tropics: Olive Senior’s Ecological Poetics in the Plantationocene”