How does our understanding of “the human” have to change to account for our unevenly distributed geological agency?

Post/Colonial Ports

 (Post)Colonial Ports: Place and NonPlace in the Ecotone, co-edited by Jill Didur and Nalini Mohabir, is forthcoming in 2024. This edited volume collects and expands work initially presented at Ecotones #6 – Post/Colonial Ports: Place and Nonplace in the Ecotone (Concordia University, Montreal, 2019).

The Ecotones program (2015-2020) was a cycle of conferences which aims to borrow this term traditionally used in geography and ecology and to broaden the concept by applying it to other disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities. An “ecotone” can be understood as a cultural space of encounters, conflicts, and renewal between several communities. Ecotones #6 is an interdisciplinary conference that specifically considers colonial and postcolonial port cities as ecotonic dialectics between places and non-places. 

(Post)Colonial Ports: Place and Nonplace in the Ecotone conference program